Resources Rhythms For Life

Rhythms For Life

Resources that help us to grow UP to God, IN to self, WITH in community and OUT in mission: 

Podcasts/Resources mentioned during the INward sermon include Pray As You Go (website or app) and the Daily Liturgy (website or podcast). Another great resource is the Lectio 365 app.

7 Practices for the Church on Mission (which is the simplified version of his book Faithful Presence which I believe the Pastoral Team and maybe others of you read a couple of years ago) - it was mentioned in the WITHward sermon but has a lot of connection and overlap with the OUTward sermon, too!

I have quoted from this book several times and during different sermons. Mandy Smith has a lot of great things to say! Unfettered: Imagining a Childlike Faith beyond the Baggage of Western Culture

Ken Shigematsu's Survival Guide for the Soul is a wonderful resource for thinking about what human flourishing might look like for a Jesus follower. 

Introduction to the Enneagram
Mentioned in the INward sermon, here's a bit of an introduction to the Enneagram. It is a useful tool for self-examination and for relationships.
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Prayer of Examen
Mentioned during both the UPward and INward sermons, the Prayer of Examen "helps us gradually learn to attend to the movements of God's loving action in our everyday experience and to notice our response to that action." (quote from the document)
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